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Asquith Boys High School

Asquith Boys High School

Exceptional Learning Opportunities for Boys

Telephone02 9477 3508

P&C (Parents and Citizens Association)

Our P&C (Parents and Citizens' association) actively support and participate in various areas of decision making and organisation of the school, and essential for bringing the school community together. Parents, teachers and community members can help meet the needs of the Asquith Boys High School community by participating in the P&C and feel like you are making a genuine contribution to decisions about the school and the needs of your sons.

The P&C also raises funds that help finance improvements to our school and provide additional resources. They successfully organise the Asquith Boys High School Community Day and Trivia Evenings, along with numerous other activities and events to raise much needed funds and resources for our school.

The P&C currently meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month during the school term from 7:30pm. All school parents are welcome to attend these information sessions as well as the regular P&C meetings. In the winter months of Term 2 and 3, most of the P&C meetings are held online via zoom for all members convenience.

The P&C brings the school community together. Parents, teachers and community members can help meet the needs of the school community and contribute to decisions about the school.

2024 Office Bearers

President:                                       Dawn Kilkelly,

Vice President:                               Nikki Nicholls

Secretary:                                       Greg Cullen

Treasurer:                                       Sean Kilkelly

Publicity Officer:                            Dawn Kilkelly

Grounds Coordinators:                 Chris Nicholls

Community/Social Coordinator: Available

P&C Meetings 2024

March Tuesday 26th - 7.30pm - AGM 

April N/A as it falls on a Public Holiday

May Tuesday 28th -7.30pm

June Tuesday 25th - 7.30pm

July Tuesday 30th - 7.30pm

August Tuesday 27th - 7.30pm

September Tuesday 24th - 7:30pm

October Tuesday 22nd -7.30pm

November Tuesday 26th - 7.30pm