This section contains policies and rules relating specifically to Asquith Boys High School.
Lunch Detention
Students may only be kept for a maximum of half the lunch period. Students must be given sufficient time to visit the toilet and canteen. Do not conduct recess detention other than to speak briefly to a student.
After School Detention
Students may be placed on detention only by the Principal, Deputy Principal or Head Teachers. for the following reasons:
Placement on a Yellow (Faculty) monitoring booklet
Playground duty issues (students should be directed to the Head Teacher on duty)
Formal assembly and daily assembly issues (students should be directed to the Head Teacher in charge)
After School Detentions are conducted on a Tuesday, between 2.22-3.15pm in room 6. Students must be given 24 hours notice of a detention; parents must be informed and an entry made on the SENTRAL detention list.
The Deputy Principal supervises whole school Tuesday and Thursday After School Detentions. Parents will be notified via Parent Portal when their child is absent from After School Detention, and students without a valid explanation for their absence will be placed immediately on the Non-Sport list for the following day.
Faculties run and supervise their own after school detentions on other days.