Asquith Boys High School

Exceptional Learning Opportunities for Boys

Telephone02 9477 3508

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

'Bring your own device' (BYOD) refers to students bringing a personally owned device to school for the purpose of learning. A personally owned device is any laptop-style technology device brought into the school and is owned by a student or the student’s family.

This device must be a laptop-style device such as a Windows, Mac or Chromebook and must be able to connect to the school WiFi and have specific software installed. The level of device will be determined by you and your family's budget and the subjects you choose.

Senior students who do CAPA, IT, or TAS subjects may need higher spec Windows or Mac devices to ensure that the specific software required for those subjects can be run without the computer slowing down and disrupting learning.


BYOD Student Agreement:

All students are permitted to use their own computing devices providing they bring approved devices and complete and adhere to the student agreement.

Before students bring their devices to school, they will be required to sign a BYOD Student Agreement that sets out how the device can be used at school. This agreement outlines the school's Digital Devices and Technology Acceptable Use Policy.

This agreement is sent to Parents/Carers via a School Bytes link and must be completed at the beginning of each school year before the student is able to use their BYOD device.


Laptop Hire Program:

Short Term Loan

Short Term Loan Form


Long Term Loan

Long Term Loan Form

BYOD Parent Information:

BYOD Parent Information


Device Purchase Portal:

Asquith Boys High School has a purchasing portal available with suggested devices:

For Windows Devices:

Your school login code is: AsquithBHS

Please note: These devices come with 3-year on-site support at ABHS allowing for laptop warranty repairs to be carried out at school. You may also pay extra to cover accidental damage to laptops. 

Alternatively, devices are available for purchase at other retail stores and the above specifications can be discussed in-store.

Download our HP Device Flyer 2025