Year 11 and 12 Music
Music 1
The purpose of Music 1 is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes within a broad musical context and encourage the desire to continue learning in formal and informal music settings after school.
The course provides students with opportunities to engage in a range of musical styles, including contemporary popular music, and for many, it will serve as a pathway for further training and employment in the music industry or in contemporary music fields.
Music 1 provides an alternative course of study to Music 2 and the curriculum structure is adaptable enough to meet the needs and interests of students with varying degrees of prior formal and informal learning in music. It accommodates the widely differing needs and abilities of students, ranging from the broadly based to the desire to specialise, by allowing flexibility in the topic choice and areas of study. Students may enter the course from the Mandatory course as well as from the Elective course.
Music 2
The purpose of Music 2 is to provide students with the opportunity to build on the knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes gained in Music 7-10 and encourage the desire to continue learning in formal and informal music settings after school.
The course provides students with opportunities to extend their musical knowledge with a focus on Western art music and it will serve as a pathway for further formal study in tertiary institutions or in fields that use their musical knowledge.
The curriculum structure is adaptable enough to meet the needs and abilities of students with a range of interests, extending from the broadly based to the desire to pursue and develop more specialised knowledge and skills. Students will enter the course from the Elective course.
Music Extension
Students with an extended history of formal music involvement frequently reach a high level of musical sophistication and desire to specialise in their senior school years. The purpose of the Extension course is to expand studies undertaken in Music 2 and is designed to focus the continuing development and refinement of student’s advanced music knowledge and skills towards independent musicianship.
The Extension course offers a high degree of specialisation in Performance, Composition or Musicology in which each student follows an individual program of study.
It provides an opportunity for musically and academically talented students to undertake a rigorous music study commensurate with their academic and musical sophistication.