EAL/D (English as an Additional Language or Dialect)
Approximately 20% of the student population at Asquith Boys High School are identified as EAL/D and are supported to various extents throughout the school.
Students in Years 7–10 receive in class support from EAL/D teachers and designated EAL/D SLSOs. They also receive one–on–one academic and social support from EAL/D staff before school, at recess and at lunch.
EAL/D English instruction includes a Year 10 EAL/D class that targets the literacy skills necessary to access Year 11 and 12 courses. This initiative allows the students more time with an experienced teacher in small class groups. The students study a variety of topics and develop a greater understanding of the Australian culture and community.
The cultural diversity of students is celebrated through the incorporation of cultural heritage within the school curriculum such as Migration and Migrant Experiences within History, English and Business Studies. This caters for the different needs of students and allows students to make a connection to their history and heritage.