Asquith Boys High School currently employs a full-time Learning and Support Teacher (LaST) to ensure that all students access the support that they require to address the range of learning related concerns that exist in comprehensive high schools. Asquith Boys High School also engage the services of 6 School Learning Support Officers (SLSO) to work in conjunction with the LaST and Student Support Officers (SSO) to support the learning needs of our students who require support, assistance, and/or guidance in the classroom to maximise their learning.
Asquith Boys High School also implements a transition program for students from Year 6 to 7 to assist any students with learning support or welfare concerns to become less anxious about their transition to high school. These include visits from their Year 7 Year Adviser to their Primary school, extra visits and mentoring at Asquith Boys High School, student and parent interviews, student and teacher mentoring programs and strategies.
Once at Asquith Boys High School there is an extensive range of leadership programs for the boys to engage and participate in, these include community links with our feeder primary schools, Clarke Road School, Peer Support, Barista Club, School2Work Program and Year 10 Peer Mentoring.
Special Needs Support
We have a range of educational options to support students with special learning needs which require additional support.
Every student in NSW is entitled to attend a NSW public school. If our school is your local school and your first preference, we suggest you talk to our Principal to discuss your son's needs and options.
Following your discussion, his learning needs will be assessed so that decisions can be made about whether he would be best suited to learning:
- in a regular class with additional support, or
- in a special class in a regular or special school.
You will be involved in any decision about the type of support.
Peer Support
Peer Support is an evidence based, peer led approach designed to enhance the mental, social and emotional wellbeing of young people.
Peer Support Leaders at ABHS are selected for their positive peer relationships, leadership skills and capacity to mentor Year 7 students. They undergo a two day rigorous training program which equips them to deliver the program in small groups to Year 7 students during Term 1.
Peer Support Leaders not only spend 1 period per week over 8 weeks with their Year 7 groups but will accompany Year 7 on camp. They form an integral part of Year 7 transition to high school and the positive relationships formed during this time provide Year 7 students with a foundation of trust as they navigate their journey into high school.