School Vision Statement
At Asquith Boys High School, we are committed to nurturing critical thinking, creative and self-directed lifelong learners. We strive to empower students to become resilient, respectful and empathetic individuals who are connected, compassionate, caring members of the community. Every student will be challenged and supported to achieve success.
Principal's Message
As Principal of Asquith Boys High School I take pride in continuing the school's excellent tradition of creating a harmonious, safe and happy environment.
As a parent, or as a prospective parent, it is important to note that we work tirelessly to ensure that every student is known and valued at Asquith Boys High School. This is critical to the overall development and growth of boys, academically, socially and emotionally. If they are happy to come to school then their ability to learn is significantly increased.
Asquith Boys High School is a comprehensive boys high school in northern Sydney that prides itself on our schools values of Respect, Responsibility and Excellence in boys' education through creating an environment that creates fine young men. This is largely due to the passionate educators who engage our boys in the learning environment and inspire them to achieve their personal best, partnered with our community recognised excellence in welfare programs and practices.
Asquith Boys High School promotes a learning culture centred on students achieving their personal best. We strive to broaden their educational opportunities and inspire lifelong learning. Strong and essential literacy and numeracy programs are embedded across the curriculum to enhance academic progress and provide a basis for successful engagement in the workforce.
Asquith Boys High School's strength is in its ability to establish an environment that empowers our students to learn through exemplary welfare, learning and support programs and structures. These are embedded in all areas of school life so 'every student in the school is known, valued and cared for' to enable them to grow into the best version of himself that is possible.
The school's staffing entitlement in 2024 was 48.5 teaching staff and 9 non-teaching staff. The school also employs a second Deputy Principal and Head Teacher in Welfare, and Teaching and Engagement, from school funds. Our executive staff is stable with the majority being here for more than five years. 20% of our staff are in their early career as teachers. There is only a 5% turnover of staff each year.
We offer quality academic and co-curricular opportunities for all of our boys. Academically, Asquith Boys High School has in recent year's consistently outperformed boys in other comprehensive high schools. In the 2023 HSC examinations, the school achieved results that were exceptional, matching the impressive performances over the previous few years . As a school and educational setting we remain committed and focused on achieving better results each and every year with respect to NAPLAN and HSC assessments through a whole school approach to self-reflection, goal setting and the implementation of high leverage strategies.
Asquith Boys High School is renowned for programs such as whole-school literacy and numeracy, enrichment classes, creative arts and academic scholarships, and student leadership which all are entrenched into our learning and school culture. There are an extensive number of co-curricular activities and opportunities available to the students. These include, but are not limited to international football, history and languages tours, inter-school sporting competitions, environment teams, Stage, Wind and Concert Bands.
Our boys also are instilled with a sense of their membership in a larger community and they welcome opportunities to participate in local Anzac Day ceremonies, leadership forums, and fundraisers for numerous charity organisations. In 2024 Asquith Boys High School looks forward to increasing their participation and commitment to re-establishing our connection to the broader community, by strengthening our student's commitment to generously contributing back to society.
The school has an enrolment that ranges from 550 students to over 600. We expect our school numbers to continue to increase with the redesigning of the enrolment area for Asquith Boys High School. This new catchment area includes Brooklyn, Cowan and Berowra Public Schools in the north and stretches to include Waitara, Normanhurst and Normanhurst West Public Schools to the south.
Our Aboriginal student population has grown significantly. In 2018 with 4 identifying students, we have moved gradually to an identifying group of 20 students who have become increasingly involved in the cultural opportunities being offered in 2024 by our First Nations coordinator.
Asquith Boys High School is focused and committed to the education of boys through innovative and enriching learning opportunities which cater to their learning needs. Asquith Boys High School prides itself on our tradition of academic, co-curricular and sporting opportunities and is regarded as a school where boys will thrive. The school will continue our proud tradition of serving and educating our community in the immediate and long term future.
Mr Bryce Grant